ANAPBA Summits
The first ANAPBA summit was held in 1999. The idea was to see if by meeting, and through discussion of common goals and challenges, the North American Pipe Band Associations could move each of their associations forward.
The result has been a greater awareness of happenings in other parts of North America and the world, a focus on standard music and judging requirements, and the willingness to share information and resources. Some older associations have done a lot to assist smaller associations with setting up music requirements, judging criteria and lists, and rules for pipe band and solo competition.
For the first time ever, North American bands and soloists are able to travel to other jurisdictions without fear of encountering vastly different playing requirements. The following links will take you to a summary of each of the ANAPBA summits.
You will be able to see the gradual development of the Alliance, and developing notions of what role the Alliance can play to assist the North American piping and drumming scene.